fff #3 spatter
They never could get that right those two. Time and time again I tell them,”you’re standin’too close!” Do they listen? No, not on your last breath would they listen. It’s like they go into some kind of weird twin trance when they get that close. I ceased my accompaniment with those two long ago. I couldn’t bear to watch the certain destruction of such fine clothing. I often wonder why I picked those two, of all the others with great potential that were ripe for the picking. I tend to think it was because they share their mother’s charm. Their mother was always a doll, really classy and through it all never losing her composure, to never be less than a lady. I figured any kid of hers gotta be good. And loyal always. Those two are the most accurate I have ever employed. Their creativity sometimes in fulfilling a job is simply inspiring. Never in my day could I conceive of such improvisation. I think these days one, or two as it may be, must remain flexible to anticipate changes in routines, and to be able to communicate it in real time is certainly an advantage over what I had to contend with. Back then we had to rely on good old intuition and keeping your eyes peeled. Shadowing took a lot more skill and effort and much of the success was directly proportionate to the amount of finesse applied to the given task. I have seen some jobs that were at their end like a work of art, hell it was fine art in it’s own context I suppose. Poetic even sometimes. Nowadays there are even streaming video feeds from a pen in your shirt pocket. The technological advances almost make it like shooting fish in a barrel. And with the two of them on the spot, there is always an extra set of eyes on the look out for trouble. And with their clothes I honestly think they do it on purpose as if they have become bored with their chanel dresses that run me two grand every time. It is a bit of a shame about with their total disregard for couture. Ah, but the precision.
Labels: fff
At 6:28 PM, sweet trini said…
very unexpected...
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