Chrissy's river of action

My Blog is an outlet for my thoughts and feelings that would otherwise remain unexpressed.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Happy New Year!

First off, I wish everyone that might come to read this a Happy New Year!

Now, down to business.  I find myself on the eve of going back to work after almost a solid four weeks of vacation.  I have lived ca. 95% of that time as a female.  I have wanted to be able to do just that for many years now.  My facial hair growth is such that I am able to shave it every day and not cause any significant skin problems. Yay! (I am looking forward to my next laser treatment though)  It took a lot more work than I had anticipated, or rather more than my lazy ass wanted to do.  All that work paid off though, I had absolutely no problems especially in the states.  I was a little worried that the tolerance level in the states wouldn’t be the same as in Europe.  My fears went unconfirmed; I can happily and thankfully say.  I had an excellent time on vacation.  After spending so much time as Frau, it is difficult for me to imagine going to work again tomorrow as man and having it be the same as it was before.  I wish I was out at work already.  The next few months promise to be especially difficult, but also very important ones.

The following is a list of things that I hope to achieve before my birthday in June:

Disclosure to extended family such as aunts, uncles, and cousins
Complete name change process
Apply for a new passport
Change name with German authorities
Complete laser hair removal
Quit smoking
Make lots of new clothes
Work on my voice training
Have hair transplant surgery
Have a tracheal shave
Start living full time as a female
Successfully coming out at work and keeping my job

While I am writing lists, here is one about the things I am thankful for:

Having a large family that loves and supports me, including K-Po’s Parents
Having a girlfriend like Linda
Having friends like Allison, Jennifer, Marty, Petra, Jens, Helmut, Marion, Christiane, Heike, sweet trini, Chloe, Nathan and Stephanie, etc.
My good health and mental stability
Having caring and compassionate health care providers
The single life, self sufficiency
Having Blogger as a forum for my antics
To walk free in the warm sunshine

Walk good.


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