Chrissy's river of action

My Blog is an outlet for my thoughts and feelings that would otherwise remain unexpressed.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Take me out back

And shoot me. I had such a good time last night, but I am really paying for it today. It all started innocently enough. I got a late start as usual to get ready for the N.I. stammtich. I debated on whether or not I was going to wash my hair, put on makeup, and wear my prosthetics. All of which I ended up doing anyway. I have become so lazy when it comes to such things. I made it to the stammtich at about 10:15. Not many people were there this time. The usual people were there however; Petra, Rita, Linda, etc. Chloe was there already, with Jane and Katie (Ernie) showing shortly after I did. We all chatted for a while and then it was time to go as the restaurant was closing.

Chloe had invited me per email to go to Ffm with her after the stammtich to a party that was supposed to be an informal protest against the business hours regulations in the city. Her friends Alvero and Jesus were supposed to DJ on one of the floors. I was undecided whether or not to go after such a hard week. Chloe had spoken with her friends on her cell just before it was time to go. She mentioned that there were three spaces at the party. One was Techno and House, the second Drum and bass, and the third 80’s, goth, and electro. The third belonged to Jesus and Alvero. The prospect of a drum and bass party wet the palate, I was in.

The space ended up being in a roller skating sport association hall right on the Main river. It took a bit of doing, but we found it. On the way from the car to the party, we met Jesus and Alvero walking the opposite way to get their CDs. I asked Jesus about the crowd and whether or not we were cool, to which he replied, “you two are way more interesting than all of those boring people”. That set me at total ease. I like Jesus, he’s really cool He has such an honestly optimistic and laid back attitude. .

The place was packed with all the Ffm kool kids. We checked out the first room, House, not so hot. The next room was drum and bass. Ah, the sight of frenzied two-step. We proceeded to go upstairs to see if Jesus and Alvero were there yet. They were finishing setting up when we got up there. I wanted to leave my handbag up there behind the turntables so that I could go back down to do some two-stepping. It took me a few minutes to get loosened up enough to start moving. This is the first time in many years that I had been to such a party as me, Chrissy.

I had chosen the correct outfit, even not knowing that I would be going to such a party. After working up to a sufficient perspiration level, my prosthetics began to slide around. I decided they were hindering me so went upstairs and got rid of them. I felt like I was in one of those picture puzzles where you have to compare the two pictures to find the differences.. My footwear was not the best choice however. I had worn my sneaker mary janes mostly for comfort reasons, but as it turns out they were not the best shoes for two stepping. Not enough support or cushion. Imagine doing a three-hour session of high impact aerobics almost non-stop. My feet and ankles were alright for a while, but it started to become painful after a couple of hours. I didn’t want to stop. It felt so good. We stayed until 4 am. I got a beer for the walk to the car. I had only two beers and few ciggys the whole time. I was limping a little on the way back to the car. Kudos to Chloe for inviting me.

I got home and went to bed at 6 am. I saw the twilight of the coming day. I haven’t seen that in quite a long time. I woke up at 1:30 in the afternoon, hardly able to walk. I really overdid it last night. I feel like I sprained both of my ankles. This body isn’t 20 years old anymore and I need to get that through my head. But somehow I am able to do two step in my apartment on the carpet with bare feet and not have a problem. Maybe it’s the cushion factor. Despite all this pain, it was worth it.

I participated in something called Flash Fiction Friday. Go to Purgatorian to check out the particulars. My work of fiction was based on my initial idea after having read the starting line. I used to like creative writing back when I was in school. My childhood friends and I used to sit around the kitchen table when it was raining during our summer vacation and pick a topic and all write about it. We would then read our stories aloud and make fun of each other. I have this growing need to do more creative things with my off time, instead of blogging all the time…


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