Chrissy's river of action

My Blog is an outlet for my thoughts and feelings that would otherwise remain unexpressed.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Another Shot Across the Bow

So I've been threatened with legal action or to be labeled a bad blogger if I write anything more about a certain part of my life. This is bullshit. If I conform, which I will, I will be whitewashing my past and leaving out a large chunk. I've probably written enough about it anyway. I am just disappointed that I have to censor myself on my forum, this blog. It kinda takes the meaning out of it. I've been told to further hold my feelings inside and not let them spill out on this page. I guess therapy will be my forum for working through that issue. And to those who have been asked to "monitor" me, thanks for stopping by silently, you will become bored really fast. Sorry, no caper here.

The brighter side is that I have a good life now which can only get better without the bread from yesterday. I have more exciting things to write about, like the olive corduroy pants that I am making. My cutting table should be delivered today at 4p. I will finally be able to work comfortably at something that brings me satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. It also helps me take my mind off the bullshit I must endure.

I spoke with Liz and Rachel yesterday. It was good to hear from them. Everyone on the home front is doing well, except for the blizzard that was dumping large amounts of snow on them. Rachel will hopefully be coming to visit in April sometime. We will no doubt have lots of fun together. I miss my sisters and mother very much. Luckily I will be visiting with them soon.


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