Chrissy's river of action

My Blog is an outlet for my thoughts and feelings that would otherwise remain unexpressed.

Sunday, August 20, 2006


I have been a very productive girl today. I did all the things I have been putting off, all of them important. There is still more to go, but at least today was a start. I organized all my paperwork that had been piling up for the last two months. I dug out all the information that the tax attorney needs to finish my taxes. I ended up having to print out like seventeen cancelled checks to show payment for my therapy sessions in the US. I needed badly to get my financial docs in order, and today I did it. I have an appointment with my financial advisor on Tuesday, so I also got all the info together regarding my name change and new German social security number. I need desperately to finish changing my name with the landlord, utilities, etc.

I took the time to write the letter to my health insurance company informing them officially that I am transsexual. My friend Michaela told me Friday night that the health insurance will pay for electrolysis after your name change. That kinda lit the fire under my ass to get me going. Because electrolysis is not only painful, it is expensive. It all adds up in a hurry. I am glad I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am going again this week on Thursday to do my upper lip and chin areas, such fun. I am hoping she can get it done in an hour. The growth is starting to fade away slowly.

After therapy on Tuesday in Ffm I went to camper to try on some new shoes. They didn’t have the black shoes in my size so I bought something similar in brown. I plan to buy a couple more pairs in the next couple of weeks. Then my fall shoe requirement will be met. I want to dress a bit fancier this fall and winter. I went over to H&M to see what they had not expecting to find very much, but I ended walking out with a matching beige plaid jacket, trousers, and skirt. They had other nice stuff but I only had time for one outfit. I decided that I will get my shoes, and buy some cheaper clothes to get me through the immediate needs. Some H&M will do the job.

The trip to Japan will be decided this week. I may not be going so soon after all. I remembered the other day, like an epiphany, that I get a free round trip back home on the company dime. That eases the tension about the want to travel to visit friends and family and the money situation. I need to get away for a couple of weeks.

I am happy with what I accomplished today.


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