Chrissy's river of action

My Blog is an outlet for my thoughts and feelings that would otherwise remain unexpressed.

Saturday, March 18, 2006


I have managed to re-schedule my next electrolysis appointment for today at ten.  I have prepared my neck for the ordeal with Emla and plastic wrap.  I hope this time won’t be quite as painful as last weekend when I did around my mouth and chin.  It will no doubt be painful, but I can do it.  I must.  Things are so far falling into place for the next few weeks.

I outed myself to Fredi last night at the Ratskeller.  He had no idea, but had absolutely no problem with it.  He asked lots of questions which I answered to his satisfaction.  I wasn’t sure how Fredi would react, since he is kind of a player.  He is in his early fifties and is a very handsome man.  He is also a very kind person.  I am glad we are friends.  He offered me a bike that his last girlfriend left behind.  It sounds nice; it is a bike from Holland, like everyone rides around Amsterdam.  I wanted to get a new women’s bike that I can ride when I am wearing a skirt.  He also told me about an antique armoire that a former girlfriend of his is trying to get rid of.  He offered to take me with him after work on Tuesday to go look at it and check out the bike also.  I have been thinking about getting rid of the bureau that I bought from Ingrid, the woman I took the apartment over from.  It is all rickety and falling apart.  I would need to figure something out with my underwear and the rest of the stuff I usually keep in it.

I will probably rest for a while today after my electrolysis session.  But tomorrow I must start to write out my plan and the texts for the invitation email and my speech.  I also want to start working on my webpage.  I have planned to present everything to my company’s president on Tuesday.  I am still thinking about it, but I think I will have a gathering after work on the 31st of March.  I was thinking I would invite all the people that I work with normally and also the others that I come to know over the past years that I have worked here.  It seems like a crazy idea to invite so many people, but I would rather have everyone together and be able to tell them all at once, instead of having them read a cold email.  Plus, I hope telling everyone personally at once will help to minimize the water cooler conversations.  I sat down the other night and wrote out a list from memory of the people I would like to invite.  I ended up with about one hundred ten names on it.  I will probably shorten it a little, and also I am assuming only about two-thirds of the total will actually come.  So, I am thinking that I will be telling my story to about seventy people at once.  I am crazy.  I would rather tell seventy people at once rather than having to tell them all individually, that could take a while.  And after I do it, it will be done.

After contemplating how I wanted to out myself to everyone, I envisioned the situation and imagined myself standing before everyone saying my speech.  I even went through what I wanted to say.  I thought afterwards, if I can imagine myself doing it, I can do it.  Making such a speech to my coworkers will be without a doubt nerve racking, but I think it will be the best way.  Besides, I will supply the beer and food, and when people have a beer in their hand everything becomes a bit easier to handle.  I also wanted to plan it for a Friday evening so that everyone will go home, and not back to work afterwards.  That will give them the chance to digest it over the weekend themselves, rather than during the rest of the day at work.  I hope it works out for the best.


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