Chrissy's river of action

My Blog is an outlet for my thoughts and feelings that would otherwise remain unexpressed.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

candida camera

I am a walking yeast infection. This has become apparent to me after identifying a pattern in my health conditions over the last few months. I have chronic sinus infections, the cause being unknown by my doctors for many years. Lately I have been having throat pain and serious fatigue. I had taken antibiotics to help the first time it happened, two months ago. The antibiotics disturbed my intestinal flora and caused problems I won’t mention. My tongue is yellowish-white. All the research that I have done all points to a Candida yeast overgrowth in my body. If I am to believe all my various symptoms are related, a treatment would improve my health substantially. My immune system needs a boost, but that it not so easy to achieve. The eczema on my scalp and other places on my body could possibly be caused by Candida overgrowth.

I have had bouts of any number of the symptoms for over ten years. It all seems to make sense now. I am apprehensive that all of my health problems are related to Candida infection, but I have too many of the symptoms that are commonly from it. The throat pain is a newer manifestation of it. It seems that stress definitely plays a role, with it having a large influence on the immune system. I was thinking about how I need to be able to deal with stress at work. I reflected on the week that had just passed and realized that I get too worked up about things and need to cool it. I have to try to not let things bother me as they have, and somehow remain calm. It has become difficult as the chaos factor at work is peaking. If I am more conscious of my problems and where they come from I am sure I will have a better chance to control my emotion and therefore stress levels.

Treatment for Candida problems seem three fold. Controlling stress, diet, and anti fungal medication. The diet is centered on the elimination sugar. Complex sugars are ok to a certain extent, limited to ones high in fiber content. Toasted whole grain and seed breads are good. Alcohol is to be reduced or eliminated, and anything containing yeast. Vegetables and other high fiber foods are the mainstay of the diet.

I think I have been suffering from extremer versions of the Candida infections. It is more than likely caused by weakened immune system due to stress and led me to burnout. I have an appointment for a physical exam this week, at which point I will discuss my research with my doc. She also does homeopathic medicine, so I’m hoping she will have a thorough understanding of my problem. I hope… It makes me feel good when I think about the possibility of being set free from my annoying health problems. The anti fungal medication is probably the only risky part of treatment, so I think I will try the anti-stress approach at work and with the diet I am already 50% there. I haven’t cooked any meat as long as I have been cooking again for myself. Cutting out haribo sour beans is going to be difficult. I would like to try the treatment including the medication, optimal would be that there is an herbal alternative med available.

I cringe when I think about all the time lost from being fatigued over the last year. Not to mention all the toxins that are potentially released by a poorly functioning digestive tract. It is all a vicious downward spiral. I have the hope that I can feel healthy again someday soon.

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